Samsung plans to launch a retractable smartphone in early 2019


Samsung has long lived the prospect of launching a smartphone with a fully retractable screen. It seems that the company's goal is to launch in early 2019.

According to a Wall Street Journal, quoted by sources close to Samsung's makers, the company has prepared the device that hears the temporary name "Winner", which will be presented to the public at some point early next year.

As the article reveals, the Samsung device will feature a seven-inch diagonal screen and can fold in half "like a wallet", while there will be one "[19659003] There were few badysts who remember a 2016 plan of 2016 for which Samsung had filed a patent application

The Wall Street Journal also claims that the company Korean will target its new device with a very specific audience, that of the players.However, gradually, the device should reach a much wider audience and from the second half of 2019 it will be the third flagship of the company with the Galaxy S series and Galaxy Note

.The winner's prize that his "special" screen coupled with its high-end features (such as battery and processor) should increase even $ 1500

Finally, in the same article, Wall Street The Journal reports q Samsung plans to launch in the next

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