Sarah and Zorsinio announce Chelsea! | Premier League


Italian media on Tuesday night revealed that Chelsea is close to Maurizio Sari and Naples, Zorzinius.

For Sari, Chelsea has long been in talks with Napoli. There is an agreement on compensation that Partenope has to pay.

Napoli also says that Sari will be the new "Blue" technician, as the club's strongman, Aurelio De Laureadz, declares that the details remain to close the deal.

"Sari is about to become the new Chelsea technician and my lawyers are in talks with his lawyers to complete it," De Laudreidis said.

In collaboration with Sarri, Zorzinio also takes the path to Chelsea, as revealed De Laureadis, with "Blue"

If all goes well, then Chelsea will finalize in a few hours the start of the day. Antonio Conte of his technical direction, which will remain in the hands of the Italians with the recruitment of Maurizio [F (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMeth de?
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