The news that 800 members of the so-called "Salvation" organization "White Hood" are leaving southern Syria to visit Jordan under US command and Israeli military aid is revealing of the course of imperialist intervention in this country. The alleged rescuers have been denounced repeatedly as a mechanism directly controlled by the United States, Britain and France, with close links to jihadists and Gulf states. They are also known to have played a role in the provocations to ignite the fire of the war in Syria in the name of these interests and in competition with Iran and Russia.
After doing their job, the "White Helmets" are removed from their bosses, and thus saved. Otherwise, if they fall into the hands of the Syrian army that moves in their area, we will learn a lot about their relationships and relationships. It is no coincidence that these "fairy tales" will find, as the Jordanian party has announced, a safe haven in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. A detail: The whole affair appears, as usual, as "humanitarian" !!