"Screaming" on Twitter with Tsipra's cynical fagot in a shootout [εικόνα]


29/11/18 • 17:27 | UPD 29/11/18 • 17:29

Press room eleftherostypos.gr

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Naturally, the Prime Minister's statement could not have gone unnoticed on Twitter. The party was unprecedented and, of course, the hashtag was nothing more than what you would have bothered.

Matt was found Tuesday (27/11) and Alexis Tsipras once again shocked the cynicism of things.

At a time when gunmen complain that they did not receive a euro as compensation for the disaster they suffered, Mr. Tsipras, listening to a lady's complaint, said: "And you would get 2,000 euros What would you do? You will waste them, "he said, pointing out that the important thing was to create an infrastructure in the region.

Naturally, the Prime Minister's statement could not have gone unnoticed on Twitter. The party was unprecedented and, of course, the hashtag was nothing more than what you would have bothered.

Check out some of the tweets:

And let us cut you # you would have been spoiled

– LavrentisBeria (@ LavrentisBeria4) November 29, 2018

Those who felt offended with the #game_did_edit Pangalos but are not disturbed by this # you would have been spoiled Alexis is a clbad of people who, if they set fire to their house, would first help their car and then their dog.

– Winston Smith (@Ouinston) November 29, 2018

Dear firefighters,

because all we have given you # you would have been spoiledwe decided to give them to Karanika and all our dispatchers to take their place. We do not like to scatter money: ^) pic.twitter.com/0UjkREm2RC

– John Hoston (@IwannhsXwston) November 29, 2018

# You would have been spoiled left by paying gay cousin friends
To be serious, ungrateful pic.twitter.com/rId101gmgZ

– RANXEROX (@ ranxerox201) November 29, 2018

Comrades. We rejected billions of billions, we put you in control of capital and we got hold of things because otherwise
# you would have been spoiled

– LavrentisBeria (@ LavrentisBeria4) November 29, 2018

– Mr President, the people do not have money to buy bread …

-And what am I doing? if I give you # you would have been spoiled pic.twitter.com/B5Evwh3T52

– ARK (@ liberal2402) November 29, 2018

Dear fired, because # you would have been spoiledit is better to bring this poor goat pic.twitter.com/sXhP5YLihw

– John Hoston (@IwannhsXwston) November 29, 2018

People out of reach in connection with the lean leadership policy # you would be disturbed pic.twitter.com/nHwYX2rHXs

– CLARINOGIATROS (@klarinodoctor) November 29, 2018

"If we gave you 2,000 € # you would have been spoiled So we preferred to become kerosene for our walks. Thanks mockers. " pic.twitter.com/uKMxrWUigJ

– Nasreddin Hozza (@nasredinhodjas) November 29, 2018

# You would have been spoiled listen to me something that I know pic.twitter.com/j8PzYDHkwf

– RANXEROX (@ ranxerox201) November 29, 2018

That's why we are reducing your pensions! What to do with money? # You would have been spoiled pic.twitter.com/2Vax7Rm5i4

– Artemis …. (@ artemisgf1) November 29, 2018

That's why he put the jail in jail because you would sell the goldsmiths and # you would have been spoiled l & # 39; money! Your central design takes care of you, dear kulaks. pic.twitter.com/tTmChTYLFn

– John Hoston (@IwannhsXwston) November 29, 2018

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