New leaks give more information on the most talked about model of the three new iPhone, which Apple should show next. The reason for the so-called "cheap iPhone" that would simply be called simply iPhone 9 and will look like the company's most expensive iPhone X, but it will be about $ 300 cheaper [19659002] iPhone 9 "width =" 780 "height =" 490 "srcset =" https://i2.wp.com/gr.gizchina.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/iphone-dummy 7_w.jpg 2C482 & ssl = 1 768w "sizes =" (max-width: 780px) 100vw, 780px "data-recalc-dims =" 1 "/>
According to the famous badyst Mac Otakara, the new model of Apple will use a Revolutionary screen technology called "Full Active LCD." With this technology, the cheap iPhone X will have even thinner margins at the edges of the screen than the new iPhone X and iPhone X More with OLED screens
Only there is a problem with this news Mac Otakara reports that the a series production of Full Active LCD screens made a lot of defective tracks, which means that does not prevent the iPhone 9 from delaying . In other words, the two expensive models can be presented in September and the "economic" model will be released in November.
2018 iPhone X Plus (6.5 inches) and iPhone (6.1 inches) dummy models. pic.twitter.com/QrgkT6u0vS
– Ben Geskin (@ VenyaGeskin1) July 29, 2018
Of course, as reported by Forbes, Macotakara's information goes against 39, other information from other journalists known for their success. The two Ben Geskin, who had unveiled the release of the iPhone X and Ice Universe who had released information on Samsung models, believe that the margins of the new model will be wider at around 1.2mm from 0, (F, f, q, f) return (n = f.fbq = function (f, f, q, f)) {n.callMethod?
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