Serious traffic hurt in New Philadelphia


Serious traffic hurt in New Philadelphia

Heavy traffic was reported at approximately 2:30 pm at the intersection of Decle Avenue and Cypriot Fighters in New Philadelphia.

According to information, a car, van and motorcycle on Decle Avenue collided for some unknown reason, so that the driver of the vehicle and one of the drivers of the other vehicles were injured.

At that time, an EKAB emergency ambulance was quickly taken, which was then taken and transferred to a hospital for first aid.

The above-mentioned incident had the effect of keeping Dekelias Avenue closed – the two rivers – for a long time, resulting in a significant traffic jam.

With the help of the traffic police, traffic was regulated, the traffic of vehicles towards the street of Cypriot fighters being temporarily diverted.


Last updated: Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 22:49

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