Shalos: A peddler raped a little girl and now has the right to visit the child born


According to the Times, Arsident Hussein, sentenced to 35 years in prison in 2016 for badual badault on young girls, was reportedly proposed by the city council of the city of Rotherham (north of England) of 39 to have the right to visit his son as part of a judicial process of parental responsibility.

According to the Times, the problem arose when the board sought an alternative for his son, with Mother's agreement, as Woodwatch could not cope with the complex needs of his troubled son.

The rapist belonged to a gang in Pakistan, many of whom, including his brothers and uncle, were sentenced to long prison terms, a case of child abuse in Rotherham, which caused a stir in Britain.

Sami Woodwatch revealed yesterday in a video on Twitter that she is the mother of the child that she conceived during her rape at the age of 15 years. He was one of the key witnesses of police searches.

The Times: "A rapist imprisoned to see the victim of his child".

The Rotherham board offered a rapist recognized access to my son.

This is happening everywhere in the UK and must stop! An investigation and a change of law are necessary.

– Sammy Woodhouse (@ sammywoodhouse1) November 27, 2018

With the help of worker MP Louise Haye, he went to court to demand that the law be amended so that those found guilty of rape can not have access to children arrested in the course of their crimes.

"This story concerns me, my child, the man who raped me and the fact that Rotherham's counsel proposed to look for parental rights for my child," is the woman's complaint in the video, according to the REA-ICA.

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"This is happening all over the country and it has to stop," said the woman, pointing out that the man represented a "risk" for her and her son.

A spokesman for the Rotherham Council said it was legally required to inform parents, whether or not they have parental responsibility, of any lawsuits against their child.

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