An adventurous ending was the adventure of the twelve children and their coach in Thailand, as they all came out of the cave where they were locked up for 17 days. However, not everyone is as happy about the end of this story that shook the whole planet.
The ex-wife of a Thai diver, who lost his life in the rescue operation, today said that he was missing a lot. his man and.
Samar Kunnan, 38, former member of the SEAL Seal Selection Team of the Thai Navy, was the only casualty of the international rescue operation.
] "I love you so much, I miss you … I love you and I will never forget … from now on every time I wake up … who am I going to kiss? ", are the words of Valeepian Kunan, appearing in a caption under a black and white photo of her husband, who posted it on Instagram account [19659002]
People should not forget Samar, the head of the rescue operation, she said at a press conference after end of the year. 17-day operation, as reported by the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency
"Samar Kunan e he is the true hero.The day he lost his life, the team was sad, but we used this sadness.We saw that he gave his life for this purpose, "said Narrowsack Osotanorn.
A day earlier, Valefean put a photo of her hand holding her husband's hand. People from around the world sent their condolences and commented on their accounts on social media.
"We express our sorrow to you and your family in this difficult time. Your husband is so brave. The world will not forget his kindness and what he has done to save these children. "
A Thai artist has vowed to create a statue of Samaritan, who will be located in Chiang Rai Province,
Samar, who worked as an emergency rescuer at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport. , having been removed by SEAL in 2006, joined the rescue operation on July 1.
British divers found 13 children on a muddy prototype transporting a destroyed underground chamber. died on July 6, when he lost consciousness during his mission to place oxygen tanks in the cave just two days before the first group of children left the cave
Thais wrote in social media that the football team was risky as she entered the cave during this rainy season.However, Valefean told reporters, "I want to tell boys, s & # 39; please do not blame yourself. "[19659015]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (ffbq) return, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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