Shocking Testimony of Toronto World Army Attack


A young woman lost her life Sunday night in the Greek district of Toronto when an armed gunman opened fire and that the attacker was also dead, as said the chief of the police, Mark S. Soderbergh. with friends outside the Logo bar on the south side of Dunforth, east of Logan Avenue

"I listened to" bam, bam "and I turned around because I thought it was a firework fire, my friend started yelling "Shoot us," says Stevie Caroussu, who at that time received a call from his sister who was in a terrible situation Because she could not find her fiancee, looking back, he saw two victims, who appeared to be women, fallen on the opposite sidewalk

Ten minutes later, Stevie Carnoscu went out and saw two women drowning on the ground and people trying to save them by artificially breathing [19659002"Forunjeshavefindhisjambesc"wasblood"saidlafemmed"avoixtremblantesamainfermantsabouche"Jevoulaisl'ahelpermaisjeneshavenotquoifaire"

He also saw a man who had received a balloon, lying on the patio of the Lukumum bakery and a man trying to help him

at least ten minutes before the firefighters arrived, while she and others complain that the police did not arrive anymore early

"I have been living in Dunfforth for four years and there is still a patrol around. If there was a patrol in this area, he could not shoot that long. "

Michael Kozaris was working at the restaurant Mezees, on the north side of Dunfforth, when he heard" bam ".]" I thought it was a firework display, but the restaurant is noisy and I have not thought much about it. After the tenth shot, I thought, "OK, something is happening" and I saw people throw themselves on the patio. "

A colleague told him" They are not bullets. "Another colleague, Nick, told him to come in, pulled him and two more shots were heard and then Nick said, "Fuck it, she shot me.He called the 911, an ambulance," And the blood flowed from his hand, we believe that the bullet was ostracized by the door knob "

Michael Kozaris says that he telephoned 911 and waited a few minutes a policeman told his colleague that an ambulance was coming, but he must wait."

"Nick is in losing blood, he runs around, and begins to lose consciousness, "said Kozaris, then a friend he was carrying his car to the nearby hospital, Michael Garron.

Kkzaris said he heard that his colleague had x-rays and he believes the bullet is still in his hand.

(Source: RES-MEA, Toronto Star)

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