Sid Treeden – Olympiakos 1-1 (friendly) Superleague and Olympiakos


Maybe … Sint Treiden was not a strong opponent, but the Belgians start their championship next week. The Olympiacos still do not know when … The readiness of the two teams was different, as was the difference between the two. Sid Treeden has tasted his 11th base, Martins likes to better test the players for the future. But some things did … look. And surely the Portuguese would see them. Both positive (strongly and strongly) and negative (many gaps in the defense). Positive is the fact that "red-white people" searched for (and finally found) equalization until the end. With Guerrero to continue his race. Fifth match score and a total of six goals in preparation

Kamaras, Vrosai, Manos on the positive side, negative defense
Martins started with the friendly goalkeeper 4-3-3 with Gianioti (played in 90 minutes) and Masoura, Miranda, Nicolas, Koutris in the defense. Koutris, who fought for the first time after the shoulder injury and stayed on the ground up to 62 ". It was the Romani (6) who was in front of Kamaras and Androutsos and Pardo, Vroussi was the winger with Mano being at the top of the attack.

The Portuguese driver constantly pushed the team. And the "Reds" fought and they did a lot. They fired defense and a lot of pbades and to a high degree. So came the Kamaras phase in the 2nd but the ball was corner and the Androutsos corner in 32 & # 39; (stolen, penalty shoot)

However, the top pressing created huge defense defenses. And maybe Duke's goal in the 4th came from Andrutsu's fault in the ball (the vertical pbad to the Belgian side that came out alone and done) but for the next 20 minutes, the "red- white "just seemed to run the ball The defense is exposed repeatedly that Sid Treiden could have reached more goals (the good day Gianniotis).

More aggressive in second but …
The shot of Olympiakos did not change in the second half. However, he managed to win more balls and better push opponents. He did it several times in the second half but Manos as positive was in the first place so negative was in the second with bad choices. But deficiencies in defense remained. The Belgians made counter-attacks in all directions, creating both the axis and the wings, Yiannioti holding them alone by 1-0 while Miranda never entered the match (he took out 90 minutes), the Romano was alone and was exposed a number of times, and Vukovic was a little better than Nicolas in the first place.

The main came …
But there was a fourth where Olympiacos dominated the match. Four changes were sufficient at 75%. Bouchalakis, Fortunis, Lazaros and Guerrero have entered the positions of Roma, Androutsu, Pardo and Manu and Olympiakos has made three clbadic phases for goals and of course scored for the 1-1 final.

Lazaros missed a great opportunity 80 "after the terrible action of Guerrero, in 82 #. Spanish did not play properly but in 87 "after the corner of Fortunus came the equalizer with Garero who found nets for the fifth game

The compositions:
Gianniotis, Masoura, Miranda, Nicholas (46 'Vukovits), Kut (f, b, e, f, b, e, f, b, c, c, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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