Sissy Christidou: She denies the rumors of bankruptcy of her company! | New




An in-depth interview gave the magazine People and the Marino Vithoulkah Sissy Christidou.

The famous presenter, among others, talked about her YouTube channel but also about what she heard about her bankruptcy.

"This is a lie and something that does not apply.Our company owes it to no one, on the contrary, it has been profitable and the world has shown immense love for the clothes we have made. 39, was a company that started with three people and was thirty years old.We initially worked with sixty stores and we reached ninety in Greece and Cyprus.At the beginning, I met production problems I've been fighting big battles until the last day at the cost of production.Many times I've been faced with flaws and bureaucracy, so I have to be constantly up to date But last year, when I started working with You Tube, the demand for online videos went up when we started a second channel with Thodoris which was traveling, we were missing a lot of things outside of Athens, so the clothing company stayed home. Nobody could replace me after I left.

As a perfectionist and centralized, I wanted to have total control. Because of the trips, I could only go once a week in the company and face points and monsters in production. I began to have the impression of being exposed. But before making the decision to close the business, I tried to find a man to take over and recover, but the company was not found. So, with Thodoris, we made the decision to close the company because with both channels on YouTube and with the show, the time was too limited and I did not pretend to do anything. It was a very difficult decision for me because I had to leave something behind and admit that I did not do it at all. As far as our team is concerned, efforts are being made to absorb the other activities we have with Thodoris, "he said.

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