Skype 8.0 for desktop computers released the next Skype


Skype 8.0 for desktop computers: Microsoft released a new version of Skype for desktop computers, and it looks like the Skype version for mobile devices

The ugly thing is that Microsoft is forcing everyone to upgrade to Skype 8.0, as all previous versions will stop in a few weeks.  Skype 8

The Skype application has started to change since last year. Designed to attract the next generation of Skype users, it was first released on Android and iOS devices. Today, it is also available on other platforms such as Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Watch the video:

The new Skype desktop version, Skype 8.0, was designed to replace Skype 7.0 (also known as Skype Clbadic). Microsoft says you will need to upgrade to the new version as only Skype 8.0 will work after September 1, 2018.

Microsoft says that "all customers will have the best experience with the new Skype and that BS: We'll see that ..

Skype 8.0 offers free high-definition video for video calls, interactive message reports, a chat gallery to help you find files through conversations, and share them with drag n drop (photo afies, videos and other files up to 300MB.]

The Skype blog, Microsoft says what will follow. So, according to the company, we will soon see message alerts from other email applications, private conversations, cloud call recording, individual profile invitations and group invitations

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Skype 8.0 for desktop computers was released the next Skype was last modified: July 17, 2018, 22:07 [19659013] Giorgos

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