"Slap" judicial Lepene – It must return 41 000 euros to the European Parliament


The highest court in the EU rejected the appeal of Marin Lepén, who should now send back to the European Parliament the 41,554 euros that she diverted to pay her bodyguard.

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) is investigating the Algerian national president over complaints of mismanagement of the funds he has received for the employment of a parliamentary partner. Finally, she turned out to have paid her bodyguard with them and in January 2017 the European Parliament asked Lepen to return 41,554 euros.

She appealed to the Supreme Court of the European Union, claiming that OLAF was not objective and that this service should be the subject of an investigation. On Wednesday, however, the court dismissed her allegations, saying she had been deprived of evidence and ordered Le Pen to return the money to the European Parliament, as well as cover the costs, according to Politico.

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