Smoke "Rukette": Make leisure trips to Ikaria the Super Puma, Sinuc and C-130?


George Amiras raises serious questions about the use of air transport like Super Puma, Sinuk and C-130 for other activities. The MP for Potamio suspects that the means needed for rescue and aerodrome searches are used for flights to Ikaria that have nothing to do with the role for which they were bought

Specifically to the question submitted to the Ministers of National Defense, Health and Maritime, the deputy asked to know the number of daily and night flights made over the past three years to and from Ikaria, as well as the reasons for the plan of flight. The purpose is to let people know if flights were made for recreational purposes or to serve high-ranking people, the state paying the people's pocket note

SUBMITTED: Flights of the Air Force Air Force to and from the Hellenic Air Force Army Ikaria

Greece has a series of air search facilities and rescue (SAR – Article 25 of Law 2111147). These tools are used to identify and rescue people at risk in the sea, crew members and pbadengers after an aircraft accident, as well as for airborne or airborne injured or airborne transplants in cooperation with the # 39; EKAB. Some of these airborne vehicles belong to the heliport of the port body, some belong to the EKAB and all are maintained and used by the Air Force. Surveillance, rescue and aerodrome services usually require the coordination of different actors, a role that the Unified Rescue Coordination Center (CEPC) of the Air Force has undertaken. The operating and maintenance costs of Super Puma and other military helicopters as well as the C130 are naturally high and each flight should be justified according to the needs of rescue.

In view of the foregoing, can you ask:

1. How many air force Air Force flights have been made to and from Ikaria from 2015 to today
2. How many of these flights were at night and how many daily flights
3 According to the respective flight plans, how many airships were there, how many searches and how many were to be saved
4? There were flights for purposes other than those of the Air Force?

Yiorgos Amyras, Second Athens

And ND in 2015

It should be noted that in the summer of 2015 New Democracy had attacked Panos Kammenos on a related issue and there were big fires going on. In particular, the South West declared at the time:

"MP Kammenos, Minister of National Defense, launched Friday morning a useful public project in Ikaria, which is being carried out by DIHRERGON. Extent of the inflamed fronts and the fall of Canadair, the military leadership that accompanied the minister to Ikaria hurriedly returned to Athens with the Sinuk helicopter with which he had departed.Mr Kammenos remained in Ikaria. From the noise created by the absence of Mr Kammenos outside of Athens as the fires went out, he returned on Friday evening to Athens with SUPER PUMA who went to Ikaria from Chios

The same night and while it was appearing on cameras (19659002) On Sunday morning, the C-130 took off from Elefsina and went to Ikaria to transfer Mr. Kammeno to an official visit to Tel Aviv

It is unknown in Mr. Glowing returns to Ikaria or Ath born after his visit to Israel, but it is questionable that & # 39; he meant when outside the Maximos denounced attempts to destabilize.
But if he does not answer us, it is certain that the Greek people who will judge everyone will respond, especially in these very difficult times when everyone must be at his desk and do his job. " 19659013] (function (d, s, id) {
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