Social Dividend – Who is eligible and how much will they receive? – Examples of analysis


Next Tuesday, December 4, the social platform for the filing of social dividend applications should be launched, said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

As stated in the exact amount of compensation and criteria must be determined by a joint ministerial decision to be issued until next Monday, the payment of compensation to beneficiaries being scheduled for December 14 .

Alexis Tsipras estimated the measure at about 1.3-1.4 million households, or about 3.5 million beneficiaries.

What are the criteria?

Ownership criteria
at. Immovable:

The total taxable value of real estate of all members of the benefit unit, in Greece or abroad, as determined for the calculation of the EN.F. in accordance with the provisions of Law 4223/3 (A 287) and is the result of the last badessment of taxation issued up to 31.10.2017, can not exceed the total amount of 120,000 euros per beneficiary unit single, plus EUR 15 000 for each additional member and up to EUR 180 000.
b. Mobile property:
The total deposits of all members of the beneficiary unit in all domestic and foreign credit institutions and / or the present value of shares, bonds, etc., derived from electronic level crossings, shall be not exceed the amount of € 9,000 for a single beneficiary group multiplied by the corresponding equivalence scale of the benefit group according to its composition.
The total amount of interest generated by the members of the beneficiary unit from all credit institutions of the country or from abroad, as declared in the income tax return (E1) for the year 2017 taxation, can not exceed the amount resulting from the mathematical formula below. :
Annual interest = 9,000 * Equivalence scale of the beneficiary unit * Average annual deposit rate 2017/100

Household Equivalence Scale:

the sum of the resulting weighting according to the composition of the beneficiary unit and the number of its members, weighing 1 unit in the first adult, 0.5 in each additional adult and 0.25 in the minor members. In the case of a beneficiary group consisting of at least one person with a disability rate of 67% or more (form codes E1: 001, 002, 005, 006 905, 906, 913 and 914), the equivalence of Benefit group is increased by 0.5 for each disabled participant. . The maximum of the equivalence scale can in no case exceed 3.
In the case of single-parent households benefiting from the single child support allowance or the special allowance for third countries / large families, the equivalence scale of a group of providers is increased by 0.25 for the first adult.

Analytical examples

Examples of Calculation of Income Limits and Income Support by Delivery Unit

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