Special visit of Vassilis Spanoulis to Attiki Hospital [εικόνες]


Vasilis Spanoulis paused in preparation for the match against Budtovsos against Olympiakos and was found Wednesday at Attica Hospital for a very special speech.

The head of Olympiacos went to the hospital to visit him Antonis Loukas an admirer of his team and the same person who has a health problem. Spanoulis gave him a jersey, a training t-shirt and a balloon bearing the signature of all the players of Olympiacos.

Vasilis Spanoulis transferred to Antonis Loukakis the wishes of his team for a speedy recovery and renewed his appointment with Anadolu Efes.

He gave him a shirt / photo: olympiacosbc.gr

Also a training t-shirt and a balloon. / Photo: olympiacosbc.GR

The room Antonis Loukas / photo: olympiacosbc.gr

OLYMPIAKOS press release:

"The leader of Olympiacos, Vbadilis Spanoulis, visited Antonis Loukas at Attica Hospital today (28/11), where he was surprised! His personal admirer and friend of the Olympiacos had "dressed" the walls of the hall with the posters of himself, David Blatt and Giorgos Printezis!

V-Span gave him a shirt, a coaching shirt and a balloon signed by all the players on our team. For his part, Antonis Loukadis – who constantly watches all the "red-eye" matches on television – promised the leader that in the confrontation with Anadolou Efes, he would be in the SEF to watch the match next to the support our team !

Everyone in Olympiakos OA wishes him "iron" and will soon be with us !!! ".

Vasilis Spanoulis with Antonis Loukadis / photo: olympiacosbc.gr

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