Spider in Greece is junk


"Our country should not be transformed into Southern Ukraine." The US-NATO strategy and the Tsipra-Kotzia-Kammenou government's subordination bury the country's security and undermine its integrity, "said Panayiotis Lafazanis,

He noted that" the government's unprecedented provocation to expel two Russian diplomats from our country and to prohibit entering two others, an act hostile to unreasonably regard Russia, which is also NATO great gift and especially to the United States can be "He added:

" A government that collapses, like the Tsipra government, is trying to lose its very popular popularity, is trying to cling to power, is seeking all means of foreign protection and offers all its services to its transatlantic guardians irrespective of the irreparable damage it causes to our national interests and the security of our country.

I would like to point out that behind the deportations of Russian diplomats from our homeland we find the United States and, in particular,

Jeffrey Paith, United States Ambbadador to Kiev, architect of the coup d'etat pro-American, anti-Russian and fascist Ukraine in 2014, was not accidentally named by chance as ambbadador Athens, in May 2016, two years after a coup that almost dissolved the state. Ukraine, pushed into an internal war and a beggar from the West to preserve its impoverishment.

A multi-faceted paith in our country, with constant interventions in political life, with "headquarters" of the Greek ministries, Defense, came to Greece with a special role and extraordinary powers. Jr. Paid's mission codifies the conversion of Greece into southern Europe from Ukraine and a harsh and bloody anti-Russian "chest" of the United States in the Balkans and Anat. Mediterranean. This nationally dangerous role for our country serves as a series of hostile choices to Russia's Athens, which culminate in deportations of Russian diplomats who caused unprecedented tension in its relations with Moscow. I would like to emphasize that Russia in difficult times, although our country is in an imperialist coalition, has played a quietly positive role for the security of our country and Cyprus, serving of course its own interests.

The dangers, the hostile policies, the economic looting and the threats to Greece do not come from Russia but from allies of our allies in NATO and in the EU, especially in the United States and in Germany.

Jeffrey Paat, and particularly the colonial policies that are modeled, orchestrated and organized in the background and come from the United States, must be declared undesirable by the Greek people. Greece as a modern colony, an anti-Russian "shield" of the West in the region, a German protectorate and a US-American military political plot, has absolutely no future. Our country is still in need of a radical and progressive reversal for its security, for democracy, for its national independence and for development with social justice. "

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