Spinalonga on the way to Unesco – culture


With notes and colors, a separate musical work that "gave birth" to the pain and the will to live, "flooded" on Wednesday evening, the island of Spinalonga.

An iconic place that has long been a symbol of suffering, isolation, and martyrdom, has opened its doors, as the illuminated island was first introduced by Nikos Xydakis, the only one of its kind. "Odopos or Spinalonga" musical work in Dionysis Kapsalis poetry, supervised by the ERT Contemporary Music Orchestra. Through the musical work presented, stories, incidents and images "reborn" were taken in the small island.

The event was held as part of the efforts of the Ministry of Culture, the Region, the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos and local organizations. Spinalonga to Claim Membership in UNESCO World Heritage Sites

In the efforts of the Ministry of Culture to include the site in the list of World Heritage Sites, Ms. Vlazaki, Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture , has briefly welcomed, while also participating in the actions of the Ministry for the rescue and restoration of buildings in Spinalonga.

In the work they perform on the island, the local services the head of the Ephorate of Antiquity Lbadithi Chryssa Sofianou, while in the support of the Region in the actions of culture, Deputy Governor Pelagia Petrakis referred to it

In his address, the mayor of Agios Nikolaos Antonis Zervos "

" Tonight here in this iconic place, the l 39; Spinalonga's story is written again, through the long and coordinated effort undertaken by the municipality Agios Nikolaos, with the help of the Ministry of Culture, Crete Region and local authorities, in order to "Include the island on the UNESCO World Heritage List", noted, inter alia, in his speech and matured in the best possible way.With the excellent musical work that will be heard on this rock, the imprints of human pain are recent and visible, "said the mayor.

The venue that was held by the concert was filled very early by tourists boats that were given free to their owners, while those who could not get a spot had the opportunity to watch Giant stones that were placed in the lake of Agios Nikolaos and Elounda

The interpretation of the roles of musical charts Thodoris Voutsikakis, soprano Myrsini Margariti and the role of the Cretan artist Vasilis Skoulas [19659002] The orchestration of the work was performed by Dimitris Bouzanis, George Papadopoulos was conducted by the orchestra, while the traditional solo instruments, Dimitris Varelopoulos, Giorgos Kontogiannis and Nektarios Stamatelos

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