His Instagram suspensions and their common photos
After six days of distress for his family and his beloved faces, the body of the actor Chryssa Spiliotis has also been identified. Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen.
His colleagues bid farewell and their messages are touching. Among those who knew her was Spyros Bimilalas, who was angry with his girlfriend and colleague. The actor has raised a personal photo and a message of love and farewell to his personal account: "Goodbye to my dear Chrysa forever … How unfairly we are dividing. .. You have been with so many other Greeks so abusive … Thank you for your love for your golden girl friendship … I will rewrite the song that I have told in the Miracle of Lorca there is 38 years old …. butterfly little butterfly golden how high you fly and here you love me … (1969003)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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Tags Bimila Chryssa farewell friend Spiliotis Spiros