Sprintzis reported a conflict with driver's license circuits


Six thousand dead (6000) and three hundred and eighty thousand (380,000) injuries a year could be prevented in Europe with the use of the universal seatbelt, its non-use being the second leading cause of death on the streets after the speed.

The shocking details above were provided during today's presentation of the new public awareness campaign, and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation, Chr. Spitzis, on the need to use the seat belt, both front and rear.

"The belt saves … lives! Always a seatbelt.And in the back seat.Protect the person sitting in front of you" are the stain spots that start in the next few days.

"Given the increasing number of trips on the road due to the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, the use of the belt is a matter of paramount importance for drivers like for pbadengers, "said Vasiliki Danelli Mylona, ​​president of IOAS. Panos Mylonas "highlighting the need for this campaign, because the rates of use of the band in Greece are disappointing, they are below the European average.

"In Greece, 74% of pbadengers use a seatbelt on the front seats and only 23% on the rear seats," Ms Mylona said, adding that most of us were unaware of the dangers of not use the seat at the back for oneself. but also for our forehead.

"It's a simple gesture that saves lives," he told EAF "that should be developed.It's a matter of education and culture." Its use reduces the risk of fatal injury by 40% to 50% for front seat occupants and from 25% to 75% for rear seat occupants.

Minister of Transport Chr. In his address, Spritzis, after praising the work of IOAS and expressed his unwavering support for the campaign, spoke about ministry and government planning, implementation of actions and actions. initiatives on the theme of road safety.

He spoke about the main road projects completed and what remains to be done, noting that the new national roads reduce the number of fatal accidents. "The six contracts concluded by the Court of Accounts for the part of the highway linking Patras to Pyrgos are over and the competition between Tower and Kalo Nero for the closing of the Peloponnese ring continues.

In the coming months, the competition for the road will take place, from Kalamata to Rizomylos and Pylos. The construction and commissioning of the Southern Department is underway at E65 and we are moving to the second phase of the tender procedure for BOAK, the northern road axis of Crete, a road network where many lives are lost every day. The same is true for the Chalkida bypbad and for many other road projects, the most important in my opinion in the Road Safety Infrastructure Improvement Program, where hundreds of points have been recorded on the road network. Hazardous points on the country's road network and infrastructure projects will be made to improve these points. "

He spoke about actions on road behavior, a new highway code, an education (a road safety course to introduce a road safety course in primary schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, a culture from the street), a draft law on driving licenses and the promotion of transport as an option to reduce the use of the car and move to safer means of transport, such as that the modernization of urban transport (realization of a call for tenders for environmentally friendly vehicles); 4 completion of the subway line, rail projects, suburban train, Thessaloniki metro.

With regard to driving licenses, the minister was categorical about the objections and disagreements expressed by the trainers, saying: "This can not continue, both the Greek government and society tolerate a miserable mode of publication. and unstable, driver's license.We will be immune to this.In addition to the institutional framework, there will be phone lines, phone lines of complaints, even anonymous, from the citizens, so we can stop the action. from specific actors, leaders, professionals who have worked in this way for decades.

There is no first contact between young people, our children, to pbad the driving license, go through such procedures, whether driving schools or services in the region. This is a commitment, we will be steadfast as many reactions as possible. We have no problem fighting against the logic that wants to produce these phenomena. We need to change pages, we need them as a society. We need to go back to the gray or bad practices that have existed for decades in driving licenses. Stop – and appeal to all citizens, professionals and all executives in the regions – this bad practice that existed in the issuance of driving licenses.

Police chief of police Spyridon Laskos, for his part, spoke about the reduction of accidents in our country, to which the new highways contributed, and he also spoke about the positive results of the change of the KOK. According to the ELAS data, in the first half of 2018 compared to 2017, we recorded a 3.4% reduction in the number of unused seat belts.

Finally, he emphasized the need for prevention rather than repression and called on all actors "to become journeymen companions united to save lives".

The Member of Parliament for Ileia and member of the House Special Committee on Road Safety, Efi Georgopoulou, representing the President of the House, spoke warmly and encouragingly in the work of the Panos Mylonas Institute, pointing out that she should prevention.

The ESR approved campaign, from 10 December to 10 January, is a collaboration of the Panos Mylonas (IOS) Institute for Road Safety with the SaferRoadsFoundation and the European Council for Transport Safety under the auspices of the Ministry of Infrastructure. Transport and traffic police support.

He focuses on the visual material by creating two television spots (one for the use of a seatbelt in general and the other for the use of a seatbelt at the rear) and a spot radio with similar equipment to inform of serious dangers resulting from not using a seatbelt.

An invention that … saves lives

The safety belt is a vehicle safety device designed to lock the pbadenger against violent and violent movements that may occur during a collision or sudden pause.

The history of the invention of the safety belt dates back to the 19th century, originally as a safety product for those who tried to work away from the ground. Later, with the progressive development of the auto industry and the contribution of reputable doctors to seriously injured patients who arrived at the hospital, most of them being hit in the head or chest, they greatly helped to improve interior of cars with more energy absorption points. (use of soft materials) but also to refine occupant restraint and damping systems, almost a century later, in the mid-twentieth century, where the first airbags appeared, as additional restraint systems (SRS)

The three-point seat belt was developed in its modern form by the Swedish inventor Nils Bohlin for the Volvo car, which introduced it in 1959 as standard equipment.

Its essential function is to reduce the risk of serious injury or even death, during a collision due to the inertia of the body, because when the vehicle is moving, the driver and pbadengers move to the same speed than the car. Therefore, if the driver suddenly stops the car or if a shock causes the vehicle to stop, the driver and pbadengers continue at the same speed as the car arriving before stopping.

Deterrence is possible by applying a compensating force to the area opposite to that produced by the impact and ultimately retained, in order to reduce the force of the secondary impacts occurring during the collision within the vehicle dashboard, steering wheel, interior of the car).

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