Spyraki: the government gets 10, turns around 1


"She's 10 years old, she's doing a U-turn and she's doing it while she should have done a lot earlier," said Maria Spyraki during an interview with RS Skai, evoking the speech given today. 39 by the Prime Minister to the House. "He should have made backward returns earlier, he should have started much earlier in the rehabilitation of the groups affected by the crisis and, most importantly, he should have a development plan that he had not" , she said. ND.

Acting on ND's intentions regarding these measures if she takes the country's government, Ms Spyraki pointed out that the main opposition party's plan is focusing on the middle clbad and that in this direction, "we will make courageous efforts in maintaining the budget balance, reducing costs where they should not exist".

"Obviously, do not go to the recruitment barrage but invest in synergies with the private sector that will create jobs." Our plan was badyzed by Mr. Mitsotakis, and because I want to go to one of the benefits already announced. by the Prime Minister, the reduction of ENΦΙΑ with a limit of 60,000 euros, I want to tell you that this concerns very few people.Our suggestion to reduce EFFIA is 30% for everyone.C & # 39; is 30% for the middle clbad, 30% for those who are tired of having their own house, a home for their children borrowing several times to achieve it, "added the spokesman of the New Democracy.

Concerning the "Macedonian" occupations in some schools and the statement that children are motivated by the Golden Dawn, he stressed: "We do not want to mention it in any way. stimuli and have every chance to choose how to react, but we are in principle against squat, we do not want closed schools or open schools, and of course that does not change the fact that we are completely against 'Prespa Agreement'. At the same time, he reiterated that ND would not vote in favor of the Prespa agreement, either in the House or in the next House.

Spyraki also spoke about the electrification plan presented by Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

"Subsidy for the purchase of an electric car, with tax breaks and after acquisition.Not only a subsidy of 4000 to buy.But there will be a tax break after acquisition.Incretations to have charging infrastructure everywhere.Why do you get an electric car on your way, and what do we earn? We earn to live in gas-fired cities, we have the chance to save a lot on a daily basis, because charging an electric car costs about a quarter, maybe less than the fuel of a diesel car, "said ND spokesman, who also said that for electric cars there would be no traffic tax and that tolls would probably in free access.

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