Stamatis Spanoudakis: They knew how to look! They had up to two gold discs


It was the dawn of 8 July when burglars were coming from the front door of the house where Stamatis Spanoudakis and his wife Dori were staying in Koropi. A few days later, the couple did not overcome the shock of what they experienced. Especially since they realized how close the thieves were, while they slept.

Stamatis Spanoudakis and his wife reveal in the newspaper Real News unknown until now the details of burglary in their home. They reiterate that the money they received was not 200,000 euros, but less. " Do not they understand that they are targeting us? We did not have as much money in our house ," says Stamatis Spanoudakis.

The Spanioudaki couple had been robbed a few years ago. But then they disappeared. This time he was there. For good luck, they slept and did not understand anything. This was a new case in their area. Some time ago, they had stolen the apartment on their own, belonging to a well known businessman. The perpetrators had hit her and left her helpless and bloodthirsty.

Stamatis Spanoudakis and his wife Dore in their oldest photo – Source Facebook / Stamatis Spanoudakis (OFFICIAL)

Doody and Stamatis Spanoudakis

Shocking is the revelation of Mrs. Spanoudakis that the robbers took a breath of his bed while she slept. " They were half a meter from my bed while I slept and went straight to both parts of the house who had the money and the jewels. They knew exactly how they had to move and they were kept "he says.

The wife of Stamatis Spanoudakis spoke about the moment of burglary. " Stamatis was sleeping in another room because the cats we had were disturbing him, neither I nor we understood anything, and as they came in, we both slept, who knows what would happen if we get them ? "

Suspicions stem from the fact that, according to Stamatis Spanoudakis and his wife, the authors knew that they had to watch and not upset the house. They sought only two specific points and left.

Characteristic of the words of Doris Spanoudakis: " They knew the two things that we kept a little money and jewelry.One was next to the bed and the other in the wardrobe which has a safe . "

The money they received 14,000 euros and jewelry which consisted of family heirlooms and had Mrs. Spanoudaki by his mother and his mother-in-law. " The value of the jewels did not exceed 120,000 euros . Their emotional value was immeasurable ".

Inside this is something that the couple found "funny". The burglars, described by Doris Spanoudakis, before their departure seized two gold discs from Stamatis Spanoudakis on the living room wall. They were suffering, he said that they had only two. Leaving them mowed and threw them into the garden . Why is this what they thought was funny: believed that the records were in fact gold .

Source: Actual News

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