Steve Bannon: Plans for a far-right populist movement in Europe


A far-right "rebellion" in Europe aspires to provoke Steve Bannon, former consultant to Donald Trump, through the establishment of a foundation based on Soros Open Society standards

according to his statements exclusive to Daily Beast, Steve Bannon plans to create an institution in Europe called "The Movement", which hopes to lead to an ultra-right populist insurgency in Old Epirus, starting with the European elections next spring

This Nonprofit organization will be a polled tank n adviser and a think tank on a controversial right-wing project that floods Europe, mostly without professional political structures or remarkable budget

As DailyBeast reports, Banon's ambition for his agency is to compete with the Open Society impact of George Soros, who gave $ 32 million to major Liberal campaigns Since its inception in 1984.

In recent years, Banon has had discussions with far right groups across Europe, from Niger Farat to members of the National Marine Front Lepene to the West, the President of Hungary, Viktor Orban and the Polish populists in the East.

There is a rightwing supergroup in the European Parliament that will attract a third of the MEPs elections next May. According to Bannon, a federated populist bloc of this magnitude could greatly hinder parliamentary processes, giving Banon much power within the populist movement

The seat of the "Movement" would probably be in Brussels, where recruitment for staffing should begin In the coming months. Mr Bannon plans to spend 50% of his time in Europe, mainly in Brussels. The mission is also supposed to serve as a link between the European Right and the American "Freedom Caucus"

After having been forced to resign by the White House, Bannon seizes the opportunity to conceive his new European empire. . "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in paradise," he said, paraphrasing the Devil's sentence to John Milton's "Lost Paradise"

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