Strong defeat and exclusion for Spain's National Polo


The Greek team did not score in the third period, she received four goals in the same period and in the eight minutes the end of the match. Our representative team lost 7 out of 10 attacks with a player above, while the Spaniards had 4/6, a statistic that basically represents the entire clash.

The many missed opportunities were of course. cause. His name? Daniel Lopet Pinedo. The Spanish goalkeeper missed 32 minutes in his stride, scoring 14 of the 20 shots that were made by international players (Fountoulis was 1/6) and coupled with the Spanish's efficiency, very early the water is entry into the groove for

Spain turned the 4-3 to 8-3 at the end of the third eighth and with the protagonists in their attack, Taul, Granada, Mayarak (all scored by two goals) he was very easy to win, winning the fourth and last "ticket" for his "4" organization In the other semi-finals, Croatia (defeat of Montenegro 9-7) and Serbia (8-5 Hungary) will face.

The eighth: 2-1, 2-2, 4-0, Greece: Gedendonias 2, Fountoulis, Argyropoulos Spain: F, f , f, q, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f,
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