Strong response from Metropolitan Alexandroupolis to Ambrosio – Newsbeast


In his article "Once again Kalavrita arrives!" Posted on the website of the Holy Metropolis, Mr. Anthimos mentions, among others, according to the law of the city of Alexandroupolis, with the Athens News Agency:

"Today, God cries with people, he cries a great disaster, which has resulted in the loss of dozens of our brothers and sisters God is not against us, He does not punish God – He does not know how to punish, He does not know the punishment – but he remains faithful to his creations, fruits of his love, it hurts with them, tears with them, they dissolve with them, crucibles with them again … "

…" And now, at the moment of lamentation and solidarity, we must stand with the dissenters and pray for them lost people, but also to support those who suffer from suffering, some choose the hate speech, the direct responsibility, and the connection of disconnected things "

…" Today, the man is "shorter that his sorrow ", now that the best reason is silence and prayer, e You have chosen the attack and the intention.

You spoke of an angry God who punishes people because of "atheism" of his inmates and not because of the hypocrisy of his officials … "[19659002] … "You have been honored, I am sorry, but the" Atheist "Prime Minister has spoken with more humanity and evangelical sweetness to those who have suffered fire than you. Call our wounded to unity and unity, while you have committed a hatred of preaching, of anti-Christian, inhuman preaching. That's enough! It is not our Christ, the one you express. This is not how our orthodox faith, weaving the human being, turns our faith into a dry and rigid ideology, such as fascism, Nazism and communism. The orthodox faith in the absence of man or at the expense of man does not exist, it does not need to exist. (F, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () n.callMethod?
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