"Suffice it now for the saints of Kalavrita"


  The extinction of the Metropolitan of Alexandroupolis:

The extraterrestrial and temporal declarations of the Metropolitan of Aegialia and Kalavrita Amvrosiou today provoke the reaction of many hierarchs who not only

In this context, after Archbishop Ieronymos and the Metropolitan of Alexandroupolis, Anthimos responded to the delirium of the Metropolitan of Aegialia with a text entitled "Ayios Kalav He is crying a great disaster, which has caused the loss of dozens of our brothers and sisters, God is not against us, He is not punishing God – He does not know how to punish, He does not know the punishment – but he remains faithful to his creations, the fruits of his love.He hurts with them, the tears with them, dissolves with them, crucifies them again.

God is love.In other words, his actions are acts of He created the man by the love and love With the same love, he created all creation. That is why the Church teaches that "God loves him". Which means that the heart of his existence, as revealed by his actions, is full of love. God is weak to do evil because he does not know it ontologically.

The great "weakness" of God is that he is beaten by the freedom of his creations, which are made "by the image and by the likeness" of his own freedom. To be defeated by all their actions, which destroys his creation and ultimately the very person.

And now, at the moment of lamentation and solidarity, the moment when we must stand beside people who dissolve and pray for the lost, but also to support those who suffer the pain of loss , some choose hate speech, direct responsibility, and connection of disconnected things


Today, man is "shorter of his regret", today. You chose the attack and the intention. You have chosen the path of division and the generalization of fear. You spoke of an angry God, who punishes people, because of the "atheism" of his inmates, and not because of the hypocrisy of his officers.


Have you ever read the Gospel of Christ,;


the Church is a philanthropist, because his God is a philanthropist. Misanthropy is a property of Antichrist. He does not characterize the Church of Christ, can not characterize his shepherds, can not characterize his faithful. In the Church of Christ, everyone is responsible for their actions. Non-transferable and unbadigned transactions.

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry, but the Prime Minister "atheist" has spoken with more humanity and evangelical sweetness for their own who are afraid of fire than you. Call our wounded to unity and unity, while you have committed a hatred of preaching, of anti-Christian, inhuman preaching. That's enough! It is not our Christ, the one you express. This is not our orthodox faith, the one you serve. Whoever serves our faith, crushing man, then he transforms our faith into a dry and rigid ideology, such as Fascism, Nazism and Communism. The orthodox faith in the absence of man or at the expense of man does not exist, it does not need to exist. So it's true for Kalavrita! Instead of throwing marmots, find the power, even now, to stand with man in the name of the common and indivisible love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

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