Support from the Sterea Ellada region for the payment of PPC accounts


  Support of the Sterea Hellas region to the PPC accounts

By signing a contract with PPC for the granting of a grant to thousands of beneficiaries of the social bill, the Central Greece region has relieved many families who can not cope with electricity bills

According to an announcement of the Sterea Ellada region, the signing of the Contract by regional governor Costas Bakoyannis comes at a time when data show that settlement claims are increasing as well as the citizens of the Central Asian nation. Thus, as it is emphasized, in the welfare and solidarity package, the Region decided to include the subsidy for the payment of the accounts of households in difficulty.

As announced by Mr. Bakoyannis, the beneficiaries of the subsidy are all households. Central Greece, which benefits from a social bill, has signed a settlement agreement with PPC and adheres to the settlement agreement in accordance with the provisions of the PPC settlement regulation. In particular, the amount of the one-off grant per sub-category of FSC beneficiaries is EUR 100 for parents of three protected children and EUR 150.

"For the next stage of the region, in the perspective of the end of the crisis, everyone needs it, there is no one left, it can only be done if we maintain cohesion When we have weapons against social inequalities, this is not a wish, it is done with all the programs we carry out to help people in need. taken, we give a breath to families struggling to overcome them with electricity bills, "said Kostas Bakoyannis shortly after the signing of the contract.

Amended the Monday 30 July 2018, 22:43

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