Survivor 2: Elias Gotsis throws a poultice in love with Lakis Gavalas


Loved with Elias Gotsi, the winner of Survivor 2 is Lakis Gavalas. And Survivor answers him.

Speaking to Oh lala, Lakis Gavalas said a moment ago, "I love you, but now I'm going to be unfaithful at the same time because now I was reading a book that tells me shocked and then I was watching TV and I was watching Survivor, I was falling in love with a player, Elias … I'm crazy … It's the body that the sun came in, the sun comes out .. Something I will definitely do with him Speaking on NATIONAL television, the winner of Survivor 2 responded to Lakis Gavalas' statement and threw it … a sacking bag saying that it was n & # 39; 39, had no desire to take care of the modeling and that he wanted He stays in what he can do: gymnastics.

  • While you were in Saint Dominic, Lakis Gavalas exposed your beauty and declared you in love.Have you disturbed such statements or do you accept them as a consequence of advertising? Would you accept a e proposal for collaboration with him?

million. Gavalas does not shock me at all. He expressed his opinion, and that certainly can not offend me. I entered the Survivor as a gym trainer, I can not imagine

  • That is, the modeling space would not be interested in you

I do not do well with the cameras either.

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