Survivor 2: Nikolas Agorou and Panos, shaved, shaved, returned to Athens [εικόνες]


The smell of the fighters had the last two starts of Survivor 2. Panos and Nikolas Agorou were the last two players to leave Santo Domingo and to return to Greece.

  Panos and Nikolas Agorou are the last two survivors of Survivor 2 who left

And as the two survivors of Survivor 2 were two days apart, Panos and Nikolas Agorou returned to Athens.

Shaved, shaved, having … rolled over the wool and the many beards that they earned because of their long stay in Santo Domingo, the two players of Survivor 2, with the smiles painted on their faces, arrived at El Venizelos where their families were waiting for them.

  Nicholas Agorou was dressed and shaved   Renewed and Panos

Nikolaos Agarou of Survivor 2 was first greeted by his mother, who hugged him, followed by the hugs with him his father and his brothers. Nikolas Agorou's parents had seen him for six months, while one of his two brothers had gone to St. Dominic with his relatives and friends and the other Survivor 2 players, where they had a brief meeting.

  Nicolas Agorou in the arms of his mother   Nikolas Agorou in the arms of his father   Nikolas Agorou with his parents and his brothers </p>
<p>  Parents of Nikolas Agorou had prepared and a surprise, they l & # 39 waited with a cake that he wrote that he is the fighter of their hearts. [19659902] The surprise of the parents of Agoros to their son "src =" "style =" height: 560px; width: 800px "/> <img decoding=  He welcomed it with flowers </p>
<p>  Like Nikolas Agorou, Panos thus fell into his arms his mother and his embrace with his father and his brother, who like his brother Nicholas Agorou, had been found a month and a half ago in Saint Dominique, as part of the communication award Survivor 2. </p>
<p><img decoding=  Panos with his parents and his brother

The Survivor 2 is Quetta in the final straight because there is still a week to complete

Next Thursday, the semi-final of Survivor 2 will take place and the final on Friday.The semi-final and final Survivor 2 will take place in the Besikos Alley, we only need to know what the last four will be, and the only participation is that of Katerina Dalaka who ensured her participation in the semifinal thanks to the play of symbols.

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