SYRIZA against Dora because he's going to swear Erdogan


At the same time, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis asked the Turkish Cypriot Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan to give a speech by SYRIZA on the occasion of the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. # 39; Economics and Development

The opposition goes on the slippery road of nationalism and patriotism, under the pretext of the name of the FYROM, the presence of N. Bakoyannis in the oath of office. Erdogan exposes ND and Mr. Mitsotakis and raises reasonable questions about their attitude. "

o SYRIZA raises the following questions:" Is this the official representation of the main opposition or a personal matter of the Minister of the Economy and Development of DA

Has there been a communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? "

moments for the two Greek officers who are unjustly detained in Turkey without being charged, the cohesion and determination of the Greek side must be given.Personal acts of courtesy and public relations do not help in this direction, "adds the press office of the ruling party and concludes:" The hypocritical attitude of the main opposition does not help to accuse the Greek government of submission , thus justifying the Turkish provocation, while honoring the presence of the Turkish President of his presence. "

It should be noted that a furious tweet unleashed the defense minister on the occasion of the visit from Dora Bakoyan in Turkey for the swearing-in of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"He will submit his respect to the Sultan," writes Panos Kammenos, noting that Dora Bakoyannis will be under the oath of Erdogan, while Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras "does not even send a bailiff because captive of our two brothers ", referring to the two Greek soldiers who were imprisoned in Adrianople for four months

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