SYRIZA and SW have every reason to fear – Newsbeast


Fofi Gennimatas, speaking in Serres to the cadres and agents of the Movement of Change, strongly criticized the SYRIZA / ANEL government for the agreement in Prespa with Macedonia on the issue of the name of the 39. Neighboring State

. the leader of the Movement for Change said that this agreement, as it turned out, is unacceptable, saying that "the concessions of the Greek government to the crucial questions of our nationality and our language have found us and oppose us, vertically opposed. "

"Permanent resignations that, instead of closing old accounts, open new ones," he said, and on the occasion of festive events in the neighboring state, he asks : "Why does the country have a nationality difference?" Why did we accept the recognition of the "Macedonian" language without even a decisive prefix? Who has the right to baptize its products as "Macedonian"?

Head of the Movement for Change stressed that "our faction was and remains deep and frankly patriotic.Patriotism was and is the fundamental character of our politics," he affirmed and separated the Movement's position from the change of "Nationalism and Right-Wing delusional". new democratic factors ":

" We are strongly opposed to any partisan logic and division of the Greeks, and I repeat that ND is seriously responsible historically and historically for Mr. Mitsotakis today. however, because he also proposed the interest of the national party, "he said and added:" From the land of Macedonia, let me emphasize once again: [19659002AnagreementabolishinganyirresponsibilityanyfuturenationalistclaimagainstGreece

Ms. Gennimatas also raised the issue of the prolonged detention of the two Greek soldiers

"Mr. Erdogan blackmails, threatens, calls for unacceptable exchanges. The government, which initially downplayed the event, then called for their release, and now Mr Tsipras is asking to be tried. Does he really believe that they can have a fair trial in Turkey? He also did not take care of NATO. He went, gave everything, and got nothing for the country. "

Also, the leader of the Movement for Change spoke of secret diplomacy without informing the political forces, speaking of" new accounts with Russian expulsions, Zafe to denounce the Greek businessmen. The government insists on secret diplomacy. We ask for formal information from the institutions. "

The leader of the Movement for Change, referring to domestic politics, told the Prime Minister:" No! It is not embarrbading. He is right and with the ball! Porter does not wear a tie, has pbaded the loop on the throat of the Greek people. The costume that he made – a narrow corset for the citizens – is only suitable for Mr. Mitsotakis. He became his big sponsor. "

Raising the tone, Phofi Gennimatas said that" SYRIZANEL is over, but the solution is not the revival of New Democracy. They are trying to create a bipolar, because they think that they will hold strength and that they will win the election. Hand to hand, one to the other by polarization and division. It's their chests to hide how much they look like. Together they started in 2010 on the places of the indignados. Together with Golden Dawn. Polarization, now and now, was about our paradigm. But everyone knows that the victim is the Greek people. "

According to Ms. Gennimata," the dilemma of these elections is not just progress or maintenance. But also conciliation or division. We are determined. We break the dipole every day. The movement of change expresses progress towards maintenance. We will defeat his two expres- sors, SYRIZA and ND. Yes, they have every reason to fear us. "

Affirming with optimism, he stressed that" the time for change is approaching. The actual status of Tsipra closes. We are not the third pole, but the only way! Progressive, Center-Left, "he said, and reiterated that it was necessary: ​​

1. Political change: Let this government go, stop the descent, change the political links and strengthen decisive the Movement of Change to guarantee the progressive governance of the place National understanding and political stability The country can not support new divisions, a dangerous logic of the press or us or those

2. Change of policy With a progressive and credible integrated plan with Greek ownership for the reforms and changes that the site needs.A priority plan, with social acceptance, aimed at growth and investment.This will lead to the restoration of credibility of the country so that it can go out on the markets and convince our partners of the need to make corrections to the agreement and, in particular, reduce the ob surplus primary targets. "

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