SYRIZA: candidate of Katerina Notopoulou for the city of Thessaloniki


The main subject of the European elections, the European developments and the political project of SYRIZA for this battle is to hold the Central Committee of the party next week-end.

During the almost four-hour session of the Political Secretariat under Alexis Tsipras, many debates took place on international liquidity and Europe's position in this regard, as well as on issues and challenges. which the EU is facing new era. "The main goal of SYRIZA and the left forces is to form a broader progressive front against the rise of the far right and the forces of neoliberalism, through alliances with the Greens and with the social side. -European democracy released by the antisocial party and conservative policies and turned left, "they note.

The same sources stress that SYRIZA will have concrete proposals on the structure and architecture of the EU, which will respond to the democratic deficit of the EU, which will distance European citizens from decision-making centers and their will provide answers. the direction of strengthening the social state, strengthening social cohesion and strengthening democracy.

The suggestion of the GP to the joint venture and the discussion that will take place this weekend will be on these axes.

Regarding the autonomous elections, according to the same sources, in the case of the candidacy to the Municipality of Athens, the Prime Minister and President of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, and the secretary of the CC, Panos Skourletis, personally took the relay. a relevant discussion with the municipal "open city" of Athens.

With regard to the municipality of Piraeus, the political party has decided to appoint Nikos Bellavilla, which will be approved for the joint venture, as will be the case for all major municipalities and regions, in accordance with the party's statutes. Party sources point out that this is an excellent and dynamic nomination of a man with a vision and plan for Piraeus, the origin of the city's throat and movements. This is an application that "may bring broader powers beyond the left in a major battle against specific commercial interests of the city in order to win the municipality".

According to the same sources, for the Thessaloniki region, "the open city" adopted the climate of yesterday's meeting of the municipal faction of SYRIZA in Thessaloniki, in order to create the conditions for a wider rallying progressive forces of the city of Thessaloniki with the candidate Mayor Katerina Netopoulou ".

"During the next period, we will support the efforts of the municipal faction to create the conditions necessary for the convergence of programs with" the initiative "of Yannis Boutaris, the badociation of ecologists, as well as local self-government, "the sources say. They point out that Katerina Netopoulou is a new and indestructible person, who knows and also fights for the problems of the city and notes that it is "a victory of the autonomous forces of the city against the block of maintenance".

Source: RES-EAP

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