Talk about evil Kammenos and good Tsipras


For the abolition of the republic "that the Greek people has known since the beginning of the commemorations but in the most traumatic way when Tsipras took the people and did so to stay in power" Zoe Konstantopoulou THEME 104.6 As noted by the dissolution of the House in 2015, there was no constitutional provision and the citizens were in shock "Citizens in these we have not approved Tsipras's choice to deceive them but we have not voted. "

Explaining the statement, Ms. Konstantopoulou stated that" in order to shorten the constitutional deadlines, Mr. Tsipras He did not receive the three-day constitutional mandate, but went to Pavlopoulos for a meeting and the President of the Republic sent the message to Mr. Mimarakis at midnight to further shorten the proceedings. "

"This whole pre-planned process had to both characteristics and admiration. "

According to the same figure," the figure that the SYRIZA zombie received is 18% of the electorate, because it is the 35% that it received if the it is considered that it is greater than 48% of voters. Addressing the Prime Minister, he said that "in Tsipras, lenders have found the best student who executes their commandments in the most persuasive way," adding that the "Merkel dog" is also a sweet "[19659003] As the government has said, it can not talk about leaving the memorandums on August 21 "when you have austerity measures specifically until 2022 when you have been overseen by the country up to In 2060 and when you sign the tradition of public property in Luxembourg until 2114.

Especially for the debt, he said that "the debt relief in June means that our children will be even more in debt because the only thing that was done was the extension of repayments and debt of the older generations go to the youngest. "

"Tsipras has the responsibility of left-wing talent, he has turned the Acquis with sacrifices of the left, he has erased the senses of the left, he imagines historical moments of nowhere and claims to be the historical moment of the June 21 Eurogroup, "said the president of Liberty of Freedom adding:" He is selfish and determined in his personal interest as his environment. "

Invited to comment on Beyta Baziana's statement According to Zoe Konstantopoulou, "I mourn every fifth of July", "the soft statements of those who have shamelessly violated the popular mandate are the cause. When you enjoy relations with the Prime Minister to work professionally and when you use the sale of the Piraeus port for your personal projection, it is extremely shocking to say that you are crying. "

He also observed that" the vast majority of deputies SYRIZA they were not elected by a cross, but they were chosen by Tsipras to replace all those who left. This is not only the personal political interest but also the new interaction that Mr Tsipras has established in the field of media and entrepreneurship. "He recalled that" the agreement with Saudi Arabia for the sale of weapons to a regime that violates human rights is the agreement of Tsipra. "[19659003] He also characterized "a fairy tale about the evil Kammenos and the good Tsipras", no cooperation with Alexis Tsipras when he proposes it to me, we will not rinse anyone as freedom of freedom. do not even make an appeal. "

Finally, Ms. Konstantopoulou stated that" there are no prerequisites for a left front. "We have the following conditions: No cooperation with the government, no cooperation with intermediaries, no cooperation with the corrupt forces of the oligarchs, no cooperation with the far right.We address the whole society knowing that without society, there is neither left nor right ".

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