Tarbu's tariff policy jeopardizes republican relations with business


US President Donald Trump is now in an open trade war with some of the largest Republican allies in big business. Among them, General Motors and Harley-Davidson comment on Politico

The US President's policy on world trade issues has provoked a substantial confrontation of serious economic and commercial interests, which has no recent political precedent in the United States. United. : A Republican president calculates that the populist approach to trade will provide sympathy for the working clbad base.

Reuters: New Chinese tariffs on US products in force on 6/7

On the other hand, President Trab risks undermining any positive medium-term effect that he has achieved in the US economy, but also to undermine the political support of major US companies to the Republican Party.

President Trab's message to the American business community as follows: "It does not matter if you say my riding is with me."

However, big business and market badysts are afraid that President Trab and the failure of this policy will only be perceived when it will be too late for corrective measures, argued the circles themselves

"At each successive fireworks that Trab begins, we see the big business leaders, but also various organizations ready to attack it publicly, "says Nancy Koen, an entrepreneur at Harvard University. not a natural development of history, for the reaction of major business groups against a republican president. Tramp firmly believes that his base supports him in all his movements. The latest episode of President Trab's compromise with big business was recorded yesterday when the US Chamber of Commerce, which is a staunch supporter of Republican-sponsored economic policies, entered into controversy with the US president.

"The US government is threatening to undermine economic progress, for which it has worked hard for," said Tom Donoche, Speaker of the House, announcing the launch of a campaign against President Trabble's pricing policy. "We must seek a free and fair trade, but this is not the way to achieve it, "he noted.

The reaction of the House was recorded after GM's announcement last Friday, The Proposal of Trab to impose a 25% duty on imported cars "could lead GM to lower its presence in the US market, and could lead to a reduction in employment is of the business in the American economy ".

It was the announcement Harley-Davidson is transferring part of its production line to Europe in order to avoid certain repercussions of the imposition of retaliatory rights on its imported products on European territory

At the same time, the largest nails industry in North America, said that it is likely to close its operations soon after the imposition of taxes. a 25% duty on imported steel.

Up to now, the White House's reaction to the pressure exerted by large American companies is anger and contempt there is no indication that President Trab has any willingness to change its aggressive approach to trade issues.

The US President has repeatedly said that he feels betrayed by Harley and has accused the company of being "delivered" to foreigners

Peter Navarro, a commercial adviser to the House- Blanche, in an interview with CNN over the weekend, dismissed GM's warnings that the company was trying to mislead public opinion

DPA, the Trade Minister Wilbur Ross said that the market reaction will not affect the President's Trump approach, while the Dow stock market index already down. "There is no level of stock market evolution that could lead to a policy change," Ross told CNBC. "The president is trying to solve long-standing problems, which should have been solved for a long time.You can not determine your attitude, according to the daily fluctuations of the stock market," he said.

President Trab and his colleagues believe that despite the reaction of big business, production line workers constitute the electoral base, supporting the pricing policy that he wants to apply to trade.
According to the same estimates, the tariff policy will lead to an increase of jobs in the industrial production of products, it brought political benefits to the president himself, but also to the Republicans, both in the mid-term elections. mandate in November and more generally in the perspective of his presidential reelection in 2020.

For his part, a senior White House official who spoke anonymously, commented on the criticism of the American business community. "We play the game long-term here and the President has repeatedly stated that what he's trying to do, is to make appropriate changes that, for the past, were not satisfactory for the US economy, "he said.

The same official argued that executives of business administrations as well as organizations often say privately to the White House that they are delighted with the hard line that Tramp is facing China, Other and US government cooperation in Japan, but also other allies to organize a multi-project approach of China. According to the same official, President Trab should continue to follow the same course of action to prove that the United States will not retreat
For their part, the lawyers of the free will of the trade, argue that it Trab is unlikely to change the hard line on the imposition of rights despite pressure from large corporations

Free traders believe his US President's stance can only change if drastic corrections are made recorded in the market and it is clear that the US trade war with China, Mexico, Canada, Europe and Japan has a negative impact on the growth of the US economy,

" As long as companies make negative announcements, especially at the local level, there will be political pressure on the White House, "said Scot Lincoln, a lawyer. deals with commercial issues. "One of the developments that I have noticed is that small businesses that depend on steel and aluminum imports or that depend on the Canadian export market have taken steps publicly explaining how much they are affected by the imposition of sanctions. This can cause and succeed, "he observed.


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