TASS: Lavrov's visit to Athens is canceled | POLICY


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's visit to Athens is canceled in Athens, according to the Russian news agency TASS

"The schedule for Sergei Lavrov's planned visit to Athens at the beginning of the year." autumn is no longer appropriate ". The Russian ambbadador to Athens, Reuters quoted the Russian agency

It is recalled that the climate between the two countries is particularly tense after the expulsion of two Russian diplomats and the ban to enter two other countries for illegal actions

It is also noted that yesterday, while in recent days, Athens had chosen to roll down the barrel by marking the "finished" incident, the tension was restored, the foreign ministries of the two countries adopting the Greek Foreign Ministry "shows" directly to the Russian leaders that they had a primary knowledge of what happened in Greek territory by the actions of Russian diplomats and provoked the Greek reaction and blamed Moscow for "disrespect".

time FYROM Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, resumed his allegations that Greek businessmen friends of Russia attempted to bribe developments related to the Prespa agreement . Zafe said yesterday that this is unconfirmed information from interviews with Macedonian police authorities. The resurgence of tension began yesterday with statements by Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zacharova's spokesperson, who used harsh language on the issue. On the basis of Moscow's current statements, Ms. Zacharova said that "unfortunately we are talking about politics, of course, such things are not without consequences."

They do not go away without a trace. it shakes bilateral relations without introducing any constructive element. "He also added that" we think that the Greeks should have contacted their Russian counterparts and not be swept away by the dirty challenge that unfortunately Athens has dragged on ", leaving a Once again the care of the Greek side presented concrete evidence to justify the decisions and that, as the Russian Foreign Ministry said, behind the actions of Athens is a foreign finger. Moreover, Ms. Zacharova was clear when, in another aversion to her statements, she said, "Our people should not be held hostage in dirty games involving many states. In addition, he denied that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a telephone conversation with Mr. Nikos Kotzias in which he threatened him with the agreement of Prespa

Ms. Zacharova spoke about "nonsense" and added that "it is strange that the Greek side did not comment on the information provided by the Greek media". The reaction of the Greek Foreign Ministry was immediate and, in a statement, he described Ms. Zacharova's statements as "an example of disrespect for a third country and understanding of the modern world in which states, whatever their size, have an independent, multidimensional and democratic foreign policy. "

Athens rejected Russia's objections that it failed to provide information on the actions of the diplomats who had been sanctioned." The figures, according to which Greece acted, were submitted in time to the Russian authorities. Moreover, the Russian authorities themselves have a very good knowledge of what their populations are doing, "said the Foreign Ministry. And then it becomes even clearer that Athens is hardening its attitude: "Greece has sought from the beginning to separate the actions of these people from Russia's official foreign policy.In its current statement, the representative of the Russian Ministry Foreign Affairs adopts and shows that it wants to legitimize these illegal actions. "

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