Tatiana Stefanidou reveals to the camera if she "has closed" with SKAI (video)


Tatiana Stefanidou

The camera of the day "Cuckoo's Nest" show spotted and talked about his upcoming professional projects.

"Let's start with the event that when I left Star, I cried black tears for several weeks This time, to tell you my truth, I had no tears , because because there was enough time for conversation, I cried God, the Lord! From now on, it's good to see every end an opportunity for a new creative principle ".

As for the press releases that want to "close" at SKAI, he replied: "None of the scenarios I have nothing closed, I have nothing to say at the moment I do not really know what to do, I have no idea, but I have an optimism, a power Sometimes when you close a circle – you've seen it , you read it, it was a very difficult year – I am one of the people that the spark that I have in me turns it into a fire of creation That gives me a shot of thumb, a force, so I'm done, I do not know how to continue because it does not depend on me, I do not have a channel to decide, it's something we'll see in the course of road (19459019)

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