Tax Brochure: October Draw – Check if you won € 1,000


The Ministry of Finance and the Independent Public Revenue Authority have submitted extensive evidence relating to October transactions.

In the draw of MINISTRY OF FINANCE and AADE, 1,000 lucky winners each win 1,000 euros, which are tax free and uncollectible.

Taxpayers can be informed if they are the winners in one click on the ADA website.

Those who have been taxed will have to quickly declare a bank account by means of taxis, in order to be able to receive the amount. The number of vouchers to which each taxpayer is entitled each month is staggered according to the sum of the sums corresponding to the total of his monthly transactions.

More precisely:

  • For a maximum amount of 100 euros, one ticket per euro.
  • From 101 to 500 euros, a ticket for every two euros.
  • From € 501 to € 1,000, a ticket for three euros.
  • From 1 001 euros, a ticket for four euros.

It is recalled that the cash prizes of the public raffle program are unbearable, tax free, do not give rise to income and are not subject to any reservation in favor of the public. State or third party.

The next draw

For November transactions, Monday, December 24, 2018.

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