Thailand: Scenarios to remove children from the flooded cave – World


Rescuers plan kidnapping of trapped children for 12 days in a flooded cave in Thailand. Some of the different ways that can be used to remove them are:

Waiting for the water to fall

This would allow children to get out of the cave, with very few sections that must cross the submarine with masks

This is the chosen choice by them the rescuers who installed a pumping system with the help of Japanese engineers

"Our main task remains pumping water," said Narrowsack Osotororn, the core manager set up to deal with crisis. 19659002] Diving

This is the statutory emergency plan the authorities want to avoid. But if the rise in water levels resumes with the rains announced for tomorrow Friday, they may not have the choice.

"The situation is urgent because we may have more rain that could flood the cave, something that would make rescue much more difficult and dangerous," said Torstein Lehler, a German diving expert involved in the rescue team

"This morning we prepared the 13 dive equipment" so that they can move on urgently "The cave causes serious problems", a- he said. "The cave causes serious problems, the visibility is zero, the space is limited," says Matt Fitzgerald, a diver of the Australian Federal Police, at the French agency.He managed to do some of the road under water but could not reach the end

Withdrawal of children through a well leading vertically up to the cave

This approach continues to be studied Rescuers are always looking for an access road from the top of the mountain, which can be connected or easily connected by drilling to the part of the cave where the children are. [19659004] "We study every square meter to see if one of the wells leads to the cave," said the governor.

Sending a child as a scout

The governor reported a tactic already tried to build confidence in the more frightened of the victims: this is the mission ire of a child on admission Thai rescuers say that children can go "one by one" without specifying the space between the two. in the exits. The return to the cave with a proof of life would take six hours for a diver, so there will be no time pressure.

Oxford Bull Stands

"We can put them in a cart with an oxygen bottle, a full face mask, and pull them out without having to swim in. It's a technique that has already been used, "said Bill Wyatthaw, vice president of the British Cave Rescue Board, at the request of the BBC

.At the moment, Thai rescuers have not reported this option . fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ();

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