Thailand: Waiting for boys to go wild | INTERNATIONAL


Ready to revive the company's high-risk rescue of the eight boys and their coach who remain trapped in the flooded cave is the group of divers. At least seven ambulances and two helicopters are at the entrance to the cave. The country's interior minister said some time ago that the same divers will take part in the operation that allowed four boys to get out of the cave safely yesterday.

The men know, added Anupong Paojinda, the conditions that prevail in the cave as well as the way to try to untie their boys and their coaches. Anupong noted that divers must place more air tanks along the underground road to the point where the boys' group and coach have been locked since June 23rd. This process, he added, may take a few hours.

The boys who were rescued yesterday, according to him, are strong and safe, but must undergo thorough medical examinations.

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