"Thank you" for volunteering at the National Blood Donation Center


All Expectations Exceeded Public Response to CEREC's Call for Voluntary Blood Donation for the Victims of the Fire

Since 19459003, hundreds of our fellow citizens the whole country flock to hospital services donate blood. The daily collection of Attica more than doubled yesterday, with 1300 units of blood against 600 last year.

"We express our gratitude for the solidarity and contribution of the world, but also for the superhuman effort that the staff of all donations and especially the three hospitals – Elpis, Thribadios and Sismanoglio – who took the Surgery burden extraordinarily in the afternoon, "reported the Center

ECVC informs the volunteers that the possible long-term hospitalization of burns For this reason, he points out:" L & rsquo; Voluntary blood supply throughout the month of August will help balance the stocks and streamline the distribution of blood as needed while facilitating the service of blood donors who will not need it from

It is recalled that all blood donation services in the country operate daily in the morning and most of them have been extended according to the rate of donor participation of blood. 59003] "A big thank you" to all volunteer blood donors for becoming systematic blood donors, as only a sufficient number of regular and conscious blood donors can provide blood circulation under normal and extraordinary circumstances "Announcement of the Center.

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