"Thanks" to Netanyahu in Trab – For sanctions against Iran


Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Donald Trump for his decision to re-approve US sanctions against Iran, which had been lifted.

"Thank you, President Trump, for this historic initiative – sanctions are coming true," said the Israeli prime minister. "I have been asking for years that sanctions be imposed at the expense of the deadly Iranian regime that threatens the entire world," he added. "The consequences of the initial sanctions (imposed by Washington) have already been felt, the ireal (the Iranian currency) is declining, the Iranian economy is affected and the results are obvious," he said. he declares.

Washington announced Monday that "draconian" US sanctions against Tehran would be re-imposed. It is recalled that Trab announced that it would withdraw the United States from the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. The European Union, France, Britain and Germany, signing the 2015 agreement, lamented Washington's decision to reinstate the sanctions.

Source: RES / AFP

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