The 17-year-old man was trained to become the first person to travel to Mars | modules, technology


Alicia Carson is already trained by NASA, but she does not neglect her school. What she says about her dreams and the message she sends to her peers

Alicia Carson, 17, lives and breathes … to make her dream come true, to travel in space and to perhaps the first person to get on Mars, aiming to participate in the mission of 2033.

He is the first to complete NASA's pbadport program, visiting the 14 Visitor Centers, while he is the youngest to be accepted and graduated from the Academy of Advanced Possum, taking it officially

Alisa also studies all of her courses in four languages ​​(English, Chinese, French and Spanish). "

Continuing my education will bring me further difficulties, but I have been successful right up to here," he says in Bored Panda.

The 17-year-old wants to encourage others to follow their dreams. "Always follow your dreams and do not let anyone deprive you of it," she says.

Asked who inspires him to answer, "All astronauts, especially women who have made the path I want to follow." [19659002] SOURCE:

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