The 17-year-old prepares to write a story about Mars


He wants to be the first inhabitant of the red planet

Most children at the age of 5 want to become astronauts. Alisa Carson, 17, and he wanted it and managed it. (19659003) The 17-year-old man preparing to write history on Mars “/>

  The 17-year-old man preparing to write history on Mars

This is the first man inhabited mission on the red planet, and NASA wins all its hopes of exploring the planet in this mission. Alisa Carson will graduate from the Advanced Possum Academy, officially certified to travel in space. The trip should take place by 2033.

  The 17-year-old man preparing to write history on Mars

  The 17-year-old man preparing to write the story Story on Mars

Proudly declares to be a woman and aims to honor women who have offered to study and understand the space and n & # 39; have never been recognized

He will be trained in physics and engineering, since he will learn 4 foreign languages ​​to be able to cooperate with the rest of the crew. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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