The action of the circuit of gold smuggling


The revelations about the ring of smuggled gold and stolen mines that have been dismantled by law enforcement authorities are continuing. The exclusive plans presented by ERT show a Chinese businessman to transfer in a sack the sum of 100 000 euros to the Turkish smuggler at his headquarters, located in the center of Athens, in Aristidou street! This transaction was part of the cooperation of Chinese businessmen with the circuit of black money laundering.

The other ERT video shows the car of the Turkish leader 's disk drive, where gold is handed over to a Turkish citizen, who has transferred the gold plates in a tourist bus to Constantinople!

Watch the video document

The video documentary taken from … transactions and the "hunchback" also included the Open newsletter.

To see him

The police authorities who were monitoring him had given him the name of "hoodie", because of the many transfers of gold, by their weight, while he was hanging the rods inside the clothes, stood slightly forward!

In fact, the "hunchback" received 100 euros from the leaders of both circuits for every kilo of gold that he was carrying to Turkey. There is also a relative photo of the Turkish captain receiving money packets in a bag after the sale of gold in Turkey, the transaction being close to the KIFFissos KTEL!

The damage caused by the state is so immeasurable up until now, but they are certainly valued at several million euros. The police estimate that it is only for the period "June to October this year" that the state losses due to gold smuggling reach or exceed the amount of one. million euros from each group.

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The operation of the groups has an action that seems to last more than two years and, according to the forwarder sent to the prosecutor, it is perfectly identified, as it says, with the definition of "organized financial crime". Under Mafia type arrangements, one group not only did not meddle in the actions of the other, but it had also set up a cartel aimed at having common gold buying prices. , greatly reduced by the daily value of the stock market.

According to the police, "the two groups acted independently of each other with respect to the formation and management of capital, but the action of each organization was known to them. other.In fact, the leaders of the organizations agreed on the price of the gold market in order to eliminate competition between them. "

The leaders of both groups seem to have agreed that the price they would buy, be it from needy citizens or by pickers, would be "1,000 units at the price of the scoreboard". The daily cash transfers of the two groups are estimated at more than 400,000 euros.

The group "masterfully organized" of the famous pawnbroker

The first organization of the well known pawnbroker network seems to have traveled incredibly each day for money. The size of the money is such that it could be compared to that required by the operation of a large industry. Police said that only about 100,000 euros worth of transactions were in operation in the 88 branches of the famous pawnbroker Richard. Indeed, in the police carrier, this organization would be "masterfully organized".

The organization owned a foundry, which was located on Stournari Street, next to the Polytechnic School, as well as other places for meetings of its members. Once the jewelry turned into gold, the metal left the country for Turkey, either "legitimately", via airport customs, or illegally by the Athens-Istanbul bus route.

The organization appears to be led by pawnbroker Richard and a Syrian citizen who, according to the police, had a role of "business leader".

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The foreign accused is a precious metals expert, a "golden authority" with a wide range of knowledge, such as the mayor of a large Turkish city who appears to have recently approached him by a third party. The Turkish mayor would be interested in handing over to Greece about 130,000 euros, which he had in Switzerland to go to Turkey after losing the Turkish lira. According to the police, the organization also had at least four partner stores or companies in Turkey that were receiving "legally gold tickets".

According to the record, a money laundering organization had been created under this organization, which included a member and a well-known businessman. This figure seems to have reached its presence, with a shop, in a reputed hotel in Attica.

The team leader who has himself announced his stores seems to have reached an agreement with a reputable TV broadcaster to promote it, an agreement from which "clues are emerging" for illegal payments with "black sums".

Collaboration with Chinese wholesalers

In the file, mention is made in particular of the legitimization of the group, which is extremely "abundant", either by buying luxury houses, land, vehicles and boats, either by "developing and creating companies, or by financing funds from large companies "road transport, etc. Laundry methods also include purchases of PRO-PO cards, etc.

Interestingly, the authorities introduced the way in which they imported money from the illegal gold sale to Turkey. According to police investigation data, Chinese wholesalers of clothing were used for this part of the "masterfully organized" campaign. The group of smugglers allegedly gave them illegal money in Chinese currency, which was then paid for the purchase of clothing. When the goods arrived in Greece, the Chinese paid the group the price of their orders in euros.

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This partnership seemed to serve both sides, since it "caused a risky money transfer rash," targeted by gold smugglers, and on the other hand "broke the control of Chinese capital and helped to buy and sell "black" products and avoid the payment of the amounts that would be needed via a banking system ".

The first group among the accused is also a police officer in the Public Prosecutor's Office, who appears to have spoken directly to the pawnbroker by providing information.

Payment of employees of the chain of pawnbrokers

The recording of the group's phone calls revealed that employees of the famous chain of pledge were mainly paid in "black money", which showed that they had the basic salary. Specifically, Attic branch employees seem to be getting a monthly salary of 450 euros by bank transfer. In fact, their payment was 50 € per day, about 1000 € per month. According to the documents in the file, the officials made the monthly payment of EUR 3 000 which they received each day for their gold purchases.

The group of wearers and ghosts

The second group acted under the auspices of a "legitimate gold trading company" in Praxiteles street. The team also had another company specializing in metal spectrometry. According to the file, the group would have carried out "the liquidation of checks against interest", while the daily purchases of gold rose to more than 30 000 euros. The organization was also a member, permanent resident of northern Greece, who delivered jewelry every week and was paid in pounds sterling. His average payment was £ 250 a week. The gold collection is also involved in this case, a large number of pledges and gold purchases but also people badociated with "unidentified jewelry".

The case report indicates that members of the organization intervened in the spectrograph software to be able to fly "up to 20 degrees of purity of gold". This means that the team has underestimated the value of the jewelry in order to make a difference with the actual value. And this organization worked with dozens of gold buying and selling outlets, as well as with individual sellers who turned gold jewelry into their place and were probably tied to stolen goods. But you also have your own foundries.

In order to legitimize the illegal money from the sale to Turkey, this organization seems to have preferred to pbad it through a Jewish resident member residing in Constantinople. However, it is not excluded that she uses, as the first group, the "Chinese" method. He also produced counterfeit documents to pay VAT, create companies, etc. The organization seems to have been interested in buying a commercial property in the center of Athens, while his boss was considering buy a luxury home in Mykonos.

Depending on the case, it was only from June to October that the circuit illegally exported to Turkey a gold of 2.5 million euros, with losses of the state of about 600,000 euros.

Source: ERT, RES-ICU

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