The aggression of Salvini against the author Roberto Saviano for slanderous libel – SKAI (


Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the Lega's right congratulatory party, announced Thursday night that he was suing Roberto Saviano, the country's biggest critic. Current Space

It is unlikely that the denuclearization of B. Koreas is not completed within a year
The director of American intelligence Dan Kuchs said yesterday that it was technically feasible
Italy: Salvini
Italian Minister of the Interior Mateo Salvini, leader of the right-wing ruling party [19659019] Senate-Democrats: Trab will not meet with Putin
The leader of the Democratic Group (19659019) Turkey: A former policeman was arrested for l & # 39; a Assbadination of the Russian Ambbadador
In Turkey, as part of the ongoing investigation into the badbadination of the Russian Ambbadador …
19659019] Error in the system of air control in Belgium causes chaos
The chaos was triggered in all Belgian airports by an error that was triggered in the control system …
Threats against the EU after Google: No for much exploitation
Jean Clon, President of the European Commission Juncker will meet the US President at the White House …
FYROM poll: more than 8% on the Prespa agreement [19659013] The "division" and the difference of priorities of the two ethnic groups are evident in the poll
Putin: much worse than the Russian-American relations of the cold war
According to Vladimir Putin, although the United States and Russia have made positive changes in …
Manhatt year: A steam pipeline exploded video)
The steam duct exploded a little hour in the Flatiron area in Manhattan creating traffic jams …
EU for Turkey: Positive but inadequate raising an emergency [19659013] A step in the right direction, but inadequate, marks the lifting of the state of emergency in. …

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