The appearance of Panos Mouzourakis at Mamma Mia! (Photo)


Unspecified, with long hair and bell pants, Panos Mouzourakis participates in the movie "Mamma Mia!" (Lily James incarnates Meryl Streep at an early age), going out into the corridors on Thursday

The singer and an actor who pursues his dream in Hollywood for a few months, seems to approach as a job succeeds each other in Mecca in the movie.

According to the information, his role in "Mamma Mia! We're going back!" Is this a bartender, who also has his own band, on the island where Meryl Streep goes? Greek artist also has scenes with Sir, who appears in the film with surprise, but also with Amanda Seyfried, while he also plays one of the songs of the film, which is actually heard in the second tape- announces for her promotion of Hollywood production.

Panos Mouzourakis, like Greek colleagues of Christos Vbadilopoulos, Giorgos Karamichos, Panos Vlachos, etc., wanted to get out of the border and, as everyone seems, this effort is rewarded! In addition to his participation in the award-winning musical, he will appear in the 8th season of the popular "Game of Thrones."

The artist loved the creators of the series, shot in Ireland in April, and with the information will have a role badociated with one of the many great battles that will take place between White Walkers and the people.

Meanwhile, he went through the lawsuit and the popular series "Vikings" and is very close to the final choice. There, hopefully, he usurps the identity of a vampire, a Viking of those who moved to the east, Christianized himself and eventually became a member of the guard Byzantine. Finally, she also auditioned for "Walking Dead".

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