The Army of the Air and the Army will grow to curb crime


Nigeria will deploy the air force and 1,000 army and security officers to fight the north-west of the country, the country's president Muhammad Bukhari said on Sunday.

. The security situation has rapidly deteriorated in much of Nigeria. The inefficiency of the police poses the problem of an already inadequate application, especially outside urban centers. The Nigerian army is now deployed in more than 30 countries of the country out of a total of 36.

Authorities are facing the guerrillas of the jihadist organization Boko Haram, but also to the action of the Islamic State (IR) Africa, in the northeastern part of the country. There is also a large-scale conflict between farmers and nomadic pastoralists in much of the hinterland, where the victims are more numerous than in the jihadist guerrillas.

In addition, rebellious actions are recorded in the Niger Delta. South, linked to the fact that the region remains impoverished despite its oil wealth and other forms of crime, such as kidnappings, in much of the country.

A series of kidnappings and homicides in the area recently brought him back to media headlines

"The federal government has put together a force of 1,000 men (…) composed of men from the Army, Air Force, Police and Civil Protection, in order to strike a blow to villains who devastate villages and towns of the State of Zamfara, "said a presidential statement.

In Bukhari, the Nigerian government developed several times (19659002) When Bukhari was elected president in 2015, he promised to restore security in the country. He is running for a second term in the February 2019 elections, although his critics point out that the situation in his day has worsened.

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