The Balloon-Tramp, and soon in New Jersey – Newsbeast


The balloon depicting President Donald Trumb as a mocking baby may soon fly into the skies of New Jersey after activists have collected enough money to transport him to the United States

This balloon was used last week in Britain, the length of the US President's visit to London and Scotland.

At noon today, Trabble activists raised more than $ 8,000 through the platform, nearly double the $ 4,500 needed to wear an orange. inflatable baby-hobo in Bethmister, New Jersey.

Didier Chimines-Castro, organizers of this "affair", said he hoped that the balloon will give impetus to the candidate democrats in view of the November elections. "Baby Tramp will give that momentum, that energy we need, it will get people out of the house," he said.

Chimines-Castle hopes the ball will be in Bentminster around mid-August. He also asked donors to donate more money to meet the demand of many other cities who also asked to visit their skies in the balloon.More than 300 municipalities, including St. Louis and Austin, asked the balloon

It is not known if Tramp can see the balloon close, since the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has restrictions on flights over Bentminster where the president is there. As reported by the Athenian Agency, an FAA spokesman referred to specific responses to the secret services that took over from the president

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