The chaos in China of flooded storms and rivers


Lough rains caused chaos in China

Flooded rivers forced thousands of people to leave their homes, destroying bridges and cutting off the road and rail network in the middle

According to TV 39, state, 241 rivers in 24 provinces have been flooded in recent days, with the financial cost of problems rising to $ 3.87 billion

Meteorologists predict a new heavy rain across the country today, while floods and landslides are expected in Sichuan Province.

Intense rainfall and floods are common for China. and often cost the lives of hundreds of people.

Already 18 people have lost their lives in two provinces.

The Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday that more than 10 highways in Sichuan Province are no longer accessible due to flooding while a bridge over the Min River has collapsed [19659005] By Friday, 80,000 The inhabitants of Chongqing City were forced to leave their homes

Heavy rains also caused the overflow of the Yellow River through northern China by blocking a section of the railway network in the province of Sa

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