The company that will never forget the world and the unknown heroes who saved the 12 boys


The rescue of the 12 little boys from Thailand and their coach was an impossible mission, as the Thai people called it, which ended with complete success at noon on Tuesday when the last "Wild Boar" was released, as the

The company that was created is the fruit of a global partnership because of divers, mountaineers, spelunkers, doctors and other specialists from around the world were found in Thailand to help boys aged 11 to 16 in the cave. (19459003) As the Thai Navy Seals wrote on their Facebook page, "This is a case that the world will never forget."

"The company brings them back" Boar "was completed Tuesday night. A big thank you for helping all the groups: divers from around the world, medical teams, several ex-marines, groups support, cooking groups, oxygen renewal groups, water repellent groups, electricians, climbers group, Mae Sai residents and people from all over the world. , the united power of humanity has worked.The world will never forget this rescue operation – Bring back boars

Meanwhile, as the Guardian revealed on Wednesday, shortly after the removal of the last child from the cave, panic prevailed as the pumps pumped water flooded areas Three Australian divers participating in cabin 3 described how the water level suddenly began to rise and how they heard screams and saw helmets from the tails coming out of the depths

The Unknown Heroes

The BBC Trying to Map the Unknown Heroes to Which the 12 Children owed Their Lives

The Unknown Heroes

The BBC Attempted to Map the Unknown Heroes to Which the 12 Children Had to Go life. 19659003] John Volanthen and Richard Stanton

John Volanthen was the first voice to hear the 12 children on July 1, being the first diver to reach the point where they were trapped. In collaboration with Stanton, they were invited by the Thai authorities to help with their acquaintances

Richard Harris

Richard Harris is an Australian doctor who, after decades of diving experience, examined boys in the cave and lit the green light to start the rescue operation. The anesthesiologist from Harris specializes in the field of exfoliation.

The Adelaide doctor and speleologist specialist Richard Harris has abandoned his vacation to be able to badist in the rescue operation in Thailand. December 9, 2009, 2018

– Edward Godfrey (@ EdwardGodfrey9)


The most famous of lifeguards as well as via their Facebook page informed of the development of the company. Four of them – among them a Pak Loharnshoon doctor – remained voluntarily beside the children after their identification. Loharnshoon is the one who appears on video to put iodine on the wounds of children.

Saman Gunan, 38, former Thai sailor who voluntarily participated in the operation and lost his life by placing oxygen pockets along the road. , he is considered a hero, because some believe that without him perhaps the company had never started


Ben Reymenants

Ben Reymenants [19659904] Ben Reymenants who has a diving school in Phuket would be a member of the group that spotted the cave

Claus Rasmussen

for years in Thailand, he worked during years in diving schools


Mikko Paasi

Originally from Finland, Mikko Paasi specializes in technical diving. On July 2, when the children were identified, his wife announced via Facebook that he had offered her a gift for her eighth wedding anniversary, a ticket to the area where the cave was located


Ivan Karadzic

Danish Ivan Karadzic was the diver who revealed that children before taking the surface were taking medication to avoid being panicked as the 12 young boys had to swim and dive while They did not have any medication. (19659003) Erik Brown comes from Canada and, as he announced, he made several dives during the 9 days of the rescue operation while he found a total of 63 hours in the cave


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